
[Tutorial-001] - How to Download Photoshop Brushes

How to Download Photoshop Brush from egobrew on Vimeo.

Hey guys, this video teaches you how to download Photoshop Brush from the website and use it in your own design. I'll be shooting some more tutorials in the future, that'll be every weekend, so you guys get to learn, something what I've learned over the years.

The Tutorials will be mostly on Concept, Design, Animation and of course Post-Production (You can do beautiful animation, but if you don't know the proper format, then it'll be frustrating.)

Your comments are welcome, and your doubts too.. I'll be looking forward to it. If you guys want some specific tutorial, then drop it in the comment below.

[Link] - Prologue

Hey guys, check out this link.

This is Beekeeper from 'Ego Brew', I'll be posting Video Tutorials, Links, interviews from experts and much more..

So stay tune to 'EGO BREW', Share knowledge (if you don't have money.. ;))

Link: http://www.prologue.com/