
a Light sketch

Lead me from the unreal to the Real!
Lead me from darkness to Light!
Lead me from death to Immortality!


Lisette said...

this says a lot about human emotions and you did it in such a simple piece, Nice!!

DINTOONS said...

hey thanx lisi!
yeah the image works at many levels i guess...

actually the words are from one of india's ancient scriptures, the upanishads...and its a prayer for liberation from all worldly sorrows and suffering...

well, i think it's also nice to be liberated from too much creative complexity and simply play around in the radiant light of simplicity...! :-)

cosmic clown said...

O Dinesh....
lead us from complexities of life
to the simplicities of life......

Harish k said...

great work dinesh bhai....very creative

DINTOONS said...

o cosmic clown,

thou art the universe!
thou art the divine joker !
thou art the divine comedian!
thou art all men and creatures!
thou art the divine actor playing in all forms!

pray do liberate me from the little self,
into the infinite freedom of the Universal Self!!

DINTOONS said...

thanx hari bhai!

DINTOONS said...

cc, sorry, that was a bit selfish i guess...
i meant to say LIBERATE US ALL into the infinite freedom...! :-)

cosmic clown said...
