

this is a short animation i try at home.......only 4sec but this time i have put in sound effects & background.....trying out some new stuff......haha....so switch on ur speakers....hehe....thanks


damncreative said...

hey liked the output. good work. but its not 4 sec man.my comments would b-

1. u could ve taken a slightly better angle

2. I dont feel the weight much while he is landing

3. And the animation of the dog is linear. make it lil interesting.

But nice work. keep it up

cosmic clown said...

hmmmm nice one....
the jump could have been more exaggerated.....
and as a result the dog more excited...terrified....

my best wishes....:)

DINTOONS said...

wow pretty good, man! i like the hi-tech background...very convincing...
cute dog, amazing head, zapped expression... nicely captured :o)

dashing concept, and interesting cam shot... oh i'm watching this without sound, so am sure it must be even more impressive with sfx...