
some of my comic book pages....

pg 17
pg 16


cosmic clown said...

Lovely Ratheesh ....just loved it....beautifully portrayed.....and as i said earlier this defiant act of Abhimanyu always mesmerized me...an unforgettable even of Mahabharata.....
keep on sharing ur great work......

Harish k said...

good work....[:)]if u don't mind i like to give u some comments....on ur 16pg 6pannel the guy pointing is fingers,it look like a bollywood movies shot...look funny...hehe..need work on the blood part,specially on the 17pg ur last board.... it looks like one of my design works..... u should have the feel of the blood u know the blood is actu flowing out....dripping down.....ur line flow is to straight....i love the part were the jaw breaks....beautifully drawn...

Unknown said...

this stuff is beautiful!!!!!!

ratoonz said...


Baba Sashank said...

yer the first whom i've seen(in india) can compete with my sketching..nice ta meetcha bro