

cosmic clown said...

hey lisi.....love ur approach.....believe it or not u have a very good understanding of reality....light and shade...keep on creating........

Harish k said...

hi lisi, ur artworks looks damn good.....u have a different style,...how do u approach?

DINTOONS said...

is this a digital painting...?

Lisette said...

lol thanks for the nice comments guys.
Let's see..

Cosmic clown: thanks for saying that, I don't believe it though XD

Harish: I'm not sure what you meant by how I approach, you mean how I do it? I usually post works in progress in my blog, maybe you'll get your answer there, I start with a sketch then paint from dark to light, from the bigger things and later to details.

Din: Yup, all digital

Harish k said...

thanks lisi......