
news items!!

going thru some of my old sketches, came across these beauties...
these were done very quickly.... like 3 mins for each...from a dance sequence in a movie...

what caught my eye this time around was the motto on one of the newspapers......very appropriate...!!


cosmic clown said...

hey Dinesh.....liked the idea....infact innovative all together...I hope U can search all ur old sketches and egobrew will be enriched.....and not forgetting with a smile......hehe.....

DINTOONS said...

man that was quick!...are u like on the net all the time..??
thanx..n searching for more...

cosmic clown said...

there u r dinesh....hahaha....
and i am not all the time on net...but my sixth sense is very powerful......

j.caro said...

muy buenos

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...


that is beautiful!!!

DINTOONS said...

thanx loon gal! though i prefer to draw toons most always, realistic drawings have their own sweet magic too... :-)